काव्यशास्त्र विनोदेन कालोगच्छति धिमतां। व्यसनेन तु मुर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेनवा।। (સંસ્કૃત સુભાષિત) अर्थात: બુદ્ધિશાળી મનુષ્ય કાવ્યશાસ્ત્રથી આનંદ માણે છે અને જે વ્યસ...
Language Learners from Semester 3 of Post Graduate Department of English, #MKBU practiced #FlippedLearning in the Department, where learners were supposed to complete the literary #WebTasks of #Existentialism under the guidance of Prof. Dilip Barad Sir. Got a chance to take a stroll and saw students taking notes, selectioning comfortable learning environments, listening to and watching video resou rces, and selecting #Web2 .0 platforms with preferable internet enabled devices of their choice such as either smartphones, laptops or personal computers. It offers such a noble learning atmosphere and Flipped Learning environment which creates an innovative mode of learning when a learner learns through #TaskBasedLangageTeaching #TBL and it's a modern way of #EnglishLanguageTeaching . Teacher's role is critical in Flipped learning because a teacher has to design a task which is so engaging, innovative and learner friendly. A praiseworthy work is being done b...